Sunnuntaina (22.10.2023) Plokin miesten 2-sarja joukkueen nokka kääntyi kohti Outokumpua, tavoitteenaan haastaa kokenut joukkue omalla rosterilla. Joukkueen passari Oskari Murtoniemi kertoo pelin kulusta:
Despite a good warm-up, the Karpaasi’s performance in the game was strong, and their consistency was in a class of its own. The game was quite varied, with both good and bad moments on the court. In short, our own game suffered from easy mistakes, and the number of service errors is not worth mentioning publicly. Karpaasit won the match cleanly with a 0-3 score, while our performance was far from ideal. As a result, we were assigned a week of service and reception training to begin with.
With this lesson, we are one step closer to improving our teamwork, and we will continue from here next week.
Mosse Kostamo was awarded the title of the day’s most valuable player for his reliable performance and commendable offensive play.
Text by Oskari Murtoniemi